Fast Facts
Our District
Total Schools: 23
Square Mileage: 63
Communities Served: West Chester & Liberty townships
Grades: PreK-12
Our Students
- Total Enrollment*: 17,540
- Multicultural Diversity: 42%
- Gifted Identified: 27%
- Receiving Services for Disabilities: 10%
- English Language Learners: 11%
- Home Languages: 53
- Economically Disadvantaged: 32%
Our Graduates
- Total Graduates: 1,337
- Lakota Central: 105
- Lakota East: 627
- Lakota West: 605
- Graduation Rate: 95% average
- East & West: 99+%
- Central: 91%
- Pursuing Higher Education**:
- East & West: 86%
- Central: 33%
- Pursuing Trade School or Apprenticeship**:
- East & West: 4%
- Central: 21%
- Military Commitments: 19
- Honors Diplomas: 20%
Our Staff
Total Employees: 2,061***
Teachers with Advanced Degrees: 76%
Working at Lakota 5+ Years: 70%
Average Teaching Experience: 12 years
Our Finances
- Balanced Budget: 12 consecutive years
- Auditor of State Award with Distinction: 10 consecutive years
- Moody's Investors Service Rating: Aa1
- Per Pupil Spending: $10,292
- General Fund Expenses
- Student Instruction & Services: 70%
- Transportation: 11%
Data updated July 2024 to reflect 2023-2024 school year.
*Based on total headcount in October, as reported to the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.
**Based on only those graduates who completed their senior survey.
*** Based on total FTEs (or full time equivalent) employees.
Points of
Culturally Diverse:
With 42% of students celebrating their multicultural backgrounds, Lakota provides a culturally-diverse experience where respect and inclusion are taught as core values.
Fiscally Responsible:
Fewer than 5% of all entities that are audited annually earn the "Auditor of State Award with Distinction" - and Lakota has received the honor 10 years in a row.
1:1 Technology:
Through Lakota's WE are Empowered initiative, all students in grades K-12 have access to their own Chromebook for daily learning.
Dogs of Lakota:
Lakota's pack of ten therapy dogs are wagging their tails around the district, providing therapy and emotional support to even our youngest learners.
The 4Es:
We believe in preparing every student for success after graduation in one of the 4Es: Enrollment in higher education; Enlistment in military service; Employment as a contributing member of our community; or Entrepreneurship.