Gifted FAQs
- What is gifted identification?
- How will I know if my child is identified as gifted?
- How do I know in which area my child is identified?
- If my child is identified as gifted, does that mean he/she will automatically receive some kind of service?
- Where can I find my child’s identifying scores?
- Does my child’s current teacher know that my child is identified as gifted?
- How long is my child considered gifted?
- How many students are considered gifted in Lakota?
- What is a gifted service?
- Why do you identify students but not serve all students?
- Are advanced, honors, or AP classes considered gifted services?
- Do you have to be identified as gifted to be in an advanced/honors course?
- What is a Written Education Plan (WEP)?
- How do I know if my child has a WEP?