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Principal Message 5/24

Principal Message 5/24

Hello Central Family-

I am grateful for a wonderful final week of school. We had a great day on Thursday with awards, fun activities, and hugs. Additionally, we met some wonderful new students that will be joining us in the fall. We hope you have a safe and fun summer break and we are looking forward to welcoming you back in on August 15th 2024. We will have a schedule pick up on August 7th from 1 PM to 4 PM and again from 6 PM to 7 PM. School pictures can be taken then also. Seniors and senior families, best of luck to you all as this is our last communication. 

We celebrated HOPE week this week. This was an opportunity for our counselors to talk to students about social media (its impact and ways to set boundaries with it), healthy relationships, tools and resources to fight anxiety/depression, and remind them of the powerful, wonderful people they are. It was good to see students engaging with the information and sharing with us their sources of strength. 

The office will be open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 2 PM if you need anything. It will be closed from June 24th- July 8th. Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

We do have some opportunities we want to make you aware of as we move forward with the summer and planning for next school year. We want to provide the link for credit recovery summer school here. You can sign up through next week. Additionally, we want to provide a link to fill out to possibly graduate early.  This is NOT a commitment to graduate early, simply an interest so we can support that. Filling out the link will allow counselors to meet with students in August to make sure credits are accurate and scheduling is set up in a manner that supports early graduation. 

Again, have a great summer and thank you for a great school year. I hope you all felt as though you found some success this year and more importantly felt supported and “seen” here at Central. 

Kate Joseph

  • principal