Summer Fun Fair Promises 70 Exhibitors and a Free Raffle
Summer Fun Fair Promises 70 Exhibitors and a Free Raffle
The 12th annual Lakota Summer Fun Fair is just days away! This open house event is set for Feb. 29 and is sure to give you lots of great ideas to fill your summer days.
Lakota West’s hallways will be lined with more than 70 organizations offering summer youth activities -- everything from camps, learning centers and childcare facilities to athletic leagues, art programs, recreation activities and volunteer opportunities. Check out the growing list of exhibitors that have already signed up for Summer Fun Fair
This year, we will be holding the Summer Fun Fair on one night only, but we are extending the event by 30 minutes to accommodate the larger crowd. To assist families that might not be able to come on February 29, we are going to share expanded information about vendors to all Lakota families after the event.
Lakota Summer Fun Fair
Thursday, February 29
5:30 - 8 p.m.
Lakota West High School
There is also a FREE raffle, with over $5000 in prizes up for grabs each night. Our vendors have generously donated raffle items that include birthday parties, gift baskets, camp registrations, gift certificates and memberships. Check out these amazing prizes:
Abilities First Foundation: Gift bag of fidgets and games ($25)
Acting Up: Two tickets to our next show ($30)
Boys & Girls Club of West Chester/ Liberty: Kid’s Cooking Class at The Learning Kitchen ($75)
Boy Scout Troop 947: Camping gear/registration discount ($25)
Buckner Martial Arts: Gift certificate for one month of lessons & uniform ($175)
Butler Fury Youth Soccer: US soccer scarf, boot/ball/shin guard bag, spirit wear ($75)
Camp Invention: Scholarship toward camp fees plus swag ($75)
CDD Academy: NFL football ($15)
Childtime of Monroe: Free week of tuition ($200)
Cincinnati Junior Roller Derby: Team shirt and free adult admission to a home game ($30)
CLASS 101 College Planning: DISC analysis to decide college major – 4 sessions ($399 value)
Cub Scout Pack 945: Basket of fun camping gear ($75)
D-BAT West Chester: Swing card - 10 rounds in a pitching machine ($25)
East Butler YMCA: Drawstring bag filled with swag and voucher to a youth event ($40)
EF Exchange Year: Basket of international goodies and snacks ($25)
Elite Athletics Sports Complex: Free kids camp entry ($125)
Enriching Kidz: A free Kidz Home Alone class ($75)
Fitton Center for Creative Arts: Fitton membership ($35)
Flag Football Fanatics: One spring flag football registration ($179)
Flanders Toybox: Outdoor toys ($50)
Goldfish Swim School (West Chester): Three months of lessons, plus goggles and a towel ($405)
Han's White Tiger Tae Kwon Do: One month of classes with uniform ($150)
In The Game Liberty Center: Two $25 play cards with two virtual reality passes ($75)
Jovie Childcare Solutions: Amazon gift card ($25)
Kumon Math and Reading Center of Liberty Township: One month tuition, plus free registration ($380)
Lakota East Women’s Soccer Camp: One free camper registration ($65)
Lakota Family YMCA: Free session of swim lessons and a goodie basket ($125)
Lakota Sports Organization: Two certificates for summer program participation ($150)
Lakota Tomahawks Youth Football and Cheer: One free football or cheer registration for the 2024 season ($200)
Liberty’s Best Family Farm: Registration discount ($25)
Live N Learn: Delta gift card ($50)
Mathnasium: Summer scholarship for 12 sessions, including registration and all fees ($549)
MidPointe Library System: Book basket ($50)
My Nose Turns Red Youth Circus: A diablo - Chinese yo-yo ($25)
Painting with a Twist: One free child’s seat for a kids’ painting class ($35)
Pogo Pass: A Pogo Pass one year membership for free admission to attractions in the Cincinnati area ($100)
Primrose School of West Chester: Swag basket ($50)
Queen City Racquet and Fitness Club: One free day or 25% off your first full week ($100)
Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church & Christian Preschool: Kids' summer activity basket with SCUBA theme ($25)
School of Rock Mason: Discount off any camp or program ($50)
Sharp School of Music: Two free lessons ($58)
Snapology of West Chester: Snapology gift card ($100)
Spooky Nook Sports Champion Mill: One week of Nook Kids Camp ($240)
Sylvan Learning Center: Gift certificate to Sylvan ($99)
Taxley Academy: Book bag and tumbler ($50)
The Pickle Lodge: Two-hour court time, apparel and a bottle sticker ($162)
The STEM Lab: One free week of summer camp ($320)
West Chester Academy: “Fun with Friends” party for up to 15 kids ($139)
YMCA Camp Campbell Gard: Swag from Camp Campbell Guard ($30)
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