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Principal's Message 5.10.24

Principal's Message 5.10.24

Rocket families,

Happy Mother's Day to all of our Rocket Moms! We hope you have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones.

As you may have heard, Mr. Schneider has some big news to share with the Rocket family! Mr. Schneider has been named as the next Principal at Heritage Early Childhood School. We are so happy for him, and we know that he will be an amazing addition to the Heritage family. That said, he will be missed so much by the Rockets and he leaves some big shoes to fill. We are beginning the process of finding a new Assistant Principal here and I’ll be sure to update you as soon as possible. Join me in wishing Mr. Schneider all the best!

As we approach May 23rd, it's hard to believe that we've almost reached the end of another academic year. It seems like just yesterday that we were welcoming our students back to school, eager to embark on another year of learning and growth. With just under two weeks to go, we have some fun things planned to celebrate the 2023-2024 school year together.

This week we look forward to our annual Parade of Graduates on Tuesday, May 14th. Seniors will arrive at 10am and will parade around the building. Parents are welcome to watch them step off the parade in the lobby and then will meet the graduates by the flag pole for pictures (weather permitting). If it's raining, we will be sure to direct you to an indoor location.

One of the highlights of the school year is always our annual Field Day event, which is this Friday, May 17th. Thanks to our wonderful PTO, this year's Field Day promises to be a fun-filled day of games, activities, and friendly competition, as our students come together to celebrate the end of another successful year. Be sure to have your student bring a packed lunch, towel to sit on, a water bottle, and sunscreen. PTO will be providing shirts for students to wear. It will be an awesome day!

As always, if you have any questions, concerns or good news to pass on please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We love to hear from you.

LeAnna Webber


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  • principal