CDC Update: Masks Recommended on School Buses
CDC Update: Masks Recommended on School Buses
In response to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's updated Order, masks are now recommended on school buses but not required. Read Superintendent Matt Miller's email to parents below.
Feb. 28, 2022
Dear Lakota Parents and Guardians,
On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its federal Public Transportation Order and no longer requires that facial masks be worn while on school transportation. Effective immediately, Lakota Local Schools will recommend that masks be worn on buses, but not require them. This aligns with the protocols that have been in place at our buildings since the end of October.
As you may have seen on our COVID dashboard, our positive numbers continue to decline. Last week, only 14 positive student cases were reported, compared to over 560 the week of Jan. 18. We understand that our parents have very strong feelings on both sides of the mask issue. We also understand that our parents want to make the decision that works best for their children and families. This change in the Order from the CDC allows our families to do just that for all parts of the school day.
As always, we will continue to adjust our COVID protocols and guidelines as we receive direction from the CDC, Ohio Department of Health and Butler County General Health District.
Matthew J. Miller