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Changes Coming to OneLogin for Parents

Changes Coming to OneLogin for Parents

Lakota Local Schools is expanding two popular tools for parents and guardians: OneLogin and FinalForms. These changes, which are being introduced over the summer, will save time and increase efficiency for parents and guardians when accessing digital tools and completing district forms.

The growing number of digital tools offered by organizations can be overwhelming for families. All students, staff and parents can access OneLogin as its one-stop solution to access logins and links to Lakota’s digital tools. 

The district will continue to phase out older login options, so parents are asked to please use OneLogin as the starting point to access any district digital tools. 

Please note: Home Access Center (HAC) logins will be moving exclusively to OneLogin this summer. You will no longer be able to login to the traditional HAC login page. The eSchoolPLUS Family app will also require login through OneLogin in the coming weeks. 

Lakota is rolling out FinalForms district wide this summer through OneLogin. FinalForms has been used by our athletic departments for years, as well as hundreds of Ohio schools. Through the positive feedback we have received about this platform, we are excited to shift to FinalForms for the online completion of all 2022-2023 district level forms to simplify the process for our families.

FinalForms will also allow you to update contact information anytime, automatically updating our school systems as well as district communication options. Please note contact modification will no longer be available in Home Access Center once FinalForms becomes available.

Further communication will be coming this summer announcing when you can access FinalForms and complete your student’s forms in preparation of the 2022-2023 school year.

FinalForms will continue to be expanded to become the “one stop shop” for secure, convenient, mobile accessible and quick parent/guardian forms completion.

How Can Parents and Guardians Prepare?
To prepare for these upcoming changes, we encourage you to confirm you can login to OneLogin ( with your district provided account. Please see below for login assistance:

  • Can’t access Onelogin: Please confirm your Lakota username format as described on the OneLogin page. 
  • Don’t remember your password: Please click “Forgot Password”, enter your Lakota username and follow the steps. A reset email will be sent to your personal email address on file with Lakota, including steps to reset your password. If you do not receive an email, please check your SPAM or Junk email folders.
  • Don’t know the personal email address on record at Lakota: Please contact your student's school office for a password reset.

Lakota appreciates the continued partnership with parents and guardians and looks forward to increasing your ease of access and completion of our digital offerings.