We will be administering the Ohio State Tests at West Main Campus throughout the month of April, which will impact all students in the building. We will be following different schedules on each of the test dates below:
- Wednesday, April 3: ELA, Part 1
- Thursday, April 4: ELA, Part 2
- Wednesday, April 10: Geometry/Algebra 1, Part 1
- Thursday, April 11: Geometry/Algebra 1, Part 2
- Tuesday, April 16: Am History/Government, Parts 1 and 2
- Wednesday, April 17: Biology 1 - Part 1
- Thursday, April 18: Biology 1 - Part 2
If your student is currently taking one of the classes listed above, they are automatically registered for the test and should be in attendance on those days. We will run a testing schedule (attached below) and students who are not testing will have late arrivals. Please review the schedule closely as all students will be impacted by the schedule changes on these days. Students who are testing must still report to school at 8:10; their day will not start late.
Test rosters and room assignments will be posted on main street for students prior to test days. The assessments will be administered using chromebooks and students who are tardy will not be allowed to enter classrooms once testing has begun. It is extremely important for students to be in attendance on test days and to come with a charged chromebook. Students not in attendance will have the opportunity to complete testing during a make-up window, but will have to miss class time, so it is important they are here on test days.
Participation in Algebra I and ELA 2 is a graduation requirement. Earning a passing score on the other tests could be beneficial towards meeting future Graduation Seal requirements. If you are interested in learning more about these assessments and graduation requirements, please visit the following websites:
- OST Testing (Includes links to practice tests)
- Graduation Requirements/Seals
Typically, the Ohio Department of Education sends spring test results to schools by early June. Students may be exempted from their end of semester exams if they meet their goal on the OST test (teachers will be sharing detailed information with students). Printed family reports are usually sent to families in late July or early August.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher, guidance counselor, or one of us.
- ost
- state tests