ThoughtExchange follows our Social Media Terms of Use.
We strive to foster a community of open communication and constructive dialogue. We reserve the right to delete posts or comments that are profane, obscene, offensive, misrepresentative or that identify individuals in a potentially detrimental manner. The purpose of Lakota’s social media channels is to build community and celebrate our schools, students and staff, not to provide a forum for negativity and complaints. For that, we encourage our followers to review Board Policy 9130 Public Complains & Resolution or utilize our Lakota Listens platform.
Specifically, we will hide or delete comments when:
Users participate in name-calling.
They advertise or promote services/products not approved by the District.
They violate copyright and fair use laws.
They include inappropriate language, statements or profanity. This includes remarks, images, GIFs, emojis, etc. that are vulgar, lewd, racist, homophobic, and/or sexist.
They are abusive toward a specific student, staff member.
They include profanity, or simulated profanity. Inserting symbols, such as *** is not permitted and will be removed.
They incite violence or make threats or are threatening against the District and its staff and students.
They encourage breaking the law or encouraging others to do so.
They are unrelated to the original message and spirit of the post.
They are political in nature.
We will ban users if comments:
Are repeated, frequent violations of the above.
Endanger others.
Participants should not expect responses to every question or comment posted. For school-related questions or concerns, please contact your building administrator. For district-level inquiries and feedback, please visit our Lakota Listens webpage.