Lakota Outreach, Diversity & Inclusion
At Lakota, everything WE do is designed to provide a future-ready, student-centered learning experience for every single child.
Our Work:
In support of a thriving district climate and culture of excellence, Lakota Outreach, Diversity, and Inclusion seeks to promote a welcoming and personalized learning experience and a culture that values diversity in all its forms through inclusive dialogue, interpersonal experiences, intercultural appreciation, and targeted professional development.
Parent Engagement & Community Outreach:
Lakota Local Schools actively engages all of our families so they are seen, heard and included in school communities, with the intent for all students' success.
Personalized Learning:
Lakota Local Schools is committed to ensuring that every student is engaged and inspired learners who have access to personalized and welcoming learning environments.
The West Chester Liberty community is invited to attend the 26th annual "Live the Dream: Our Declaration of Unity" community-wide celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, Jan. 20. The program will recognize this year’s student contest winners and follows the one-mile community march, which extends from West Chester Township to Liberty Township.
Stay tuned for a special video series throughout January and February to share each winning entry. Continue reading to view this year's winners, selected from the over 600 entries!
In preparation for our community’s 26th annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, all Lakota students in grades K-12 are invited to participate in a contest that challenges students to reflect on one of the activist's lesser known speeches, sermons or readings.
Entries are due Nov. 26. Winners will share their entries with the public as part of the Jan. 20 community celebration.
WE are excited to welcome our new families to the “WE are Lakota” family at a special district-wide ice cream social on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. to noon at Independence Elementary (7840 Princeton Road).
The term "all" is used to describe people from varying races; colors; national origins; ancestries; religions; socioeconomic statuses; sex/sexual orientation; and disabilities whether physical, mental or learning.
Lakota East High School
Plains Jr School