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Student Behavior

Students are expected to conduct themselves in such a way that they respect and consider the rights of others, and conform with school regulations outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

This code of regulations applies while a student is in the care, custody or control of the school, on school grounds or close thereto, while at a school-sponsored function or activity or on school-owned or provided transportation vehicles. 

View the Student Code of Conduct

Student Behavior Guidelines

  1. Lakota seeks to deal quickly with discipline issues and works to prevent problems from escalating to violence. The guiding principle of Lakota’s discipline policy for violence and threats of violence is “no tolerance.” It means that every act or threat will be dealt with quickly and punished appropriately. It doesn’t mean, though, that the type of punishment is automatic and unchanging. We recognize that each student, situation, and motive are different, and so each incident is resolved with that understanding.
  2. Students who are unable to resolve problems without anger or frustration might turn to violence. Lakota’s secondary schools offer a variety of methods for students to resolve disputes peacefully and to learn better ways to get along, including peer mediation and conflict resolution.
  3. Prevention also includes being able to spot potential problems, and students are often the first to become aware of other students who might cause problems. Lakota’s school resource officers are available to confidentially report any concerns. Even though armed violence is less likely to affect students than traffic accidents or other crises, it’s on the minds of most parents and students because of widely publicized tragedies.
  4. School principals and district administrators periodically join with local law enforcement, fire, and emergency services officials to discuss violence prevention in schools. In addition, school staff members have attended training conducted by the FBI and have met with school administrators from several school districts that were affected by violence. 
  5. Through training and study, Lakota has developed plans to respond to incidents of violence. The first concern is for the safety and well-being of students and staff and their families during and after the crisis.